Kybella® is an FDA-approved cosmetic treatment for moderate to severe fat below the chin, known as submental fat, aka the double chin. Before Kybella the only solution for eliminating a double chin was surgery or invasive liposuction. Kybella is a manufactured substance called deoxycholic acid, a substance that helps break down fat cells. When injected into the submental area, Kybella destroys fat cells. Patients receive 1-2 vials of Kybella over 2-3 sessions, scheduled 4-6 weeks apart. Once Kybella is injected into the treatment area, it kills fat cells, which over time are naturally absorbed and eliminated from the body. The result is a dramatically smoother and more defined look.
What to Expect
Topical numbing is applied for 45 minutes prior to treatment. Patients then receive injections under the chin or jowl. Each session last about 20 minutes. Patients usually need a minimum of two sessions, although some patients may need an additional treatment. Most patients experience little discomfort with Kybella injections. Some may feel a mild burning sensation although topical numbing agents can help minimize this discomfort. Afterwards, most patients may experience some redness and swelling for the first week after their appointment. Dr. Desai’s patients have enjoyed excellent results with this treatment and are extremely satisfied.
Before and Afters


