Sculptra®, is a unique dermal filler that provides a “liquid facelift”. Made of Poly-L-Lactic Acid, a substance that is used in dissolvable sutures, Sculptra does more than “fill” your face. It stimulates collagen production, which helps the skin naturally renew itself. By stimulating collagen production, this dermal filler works to repair the underlying scaffolding of the face, restoring those youthful contours and thickening skin that has begun to thin. Results develop gradually over several months, look completely natural, and can last several years. Common areas to treat are areas where we notice facial volume loss, including bony cheekbones, sunken temples, and a sagging jawline. Most patients receive a series of three to four Sculptra injections each spaced out several weeks. With each treatment there is very little downtime, and after the initial series of treatments, there is very little maintenance. Each treatment can be performed simply under topical numbing. This dermal filler poses no risk of an allergic reaction and does not require allergy testing, because Poly-L-Lactic Acid is synthetic. Once it’s done the job of jump-starting collagen development, the Poly-L-Lactic Acid naturally fades from the body.
What to Expect
Topical numbing is applied for 45 min. The injection process takes about 30-45 minutes. Initially, the face will look fuller however that will dissipate over several hours as the body absorbs the fluid and just lays down the active biostimulator. Over the next several weeks to months collagen will be produced and the patient will notice amazing results.
Before and Afters